Thursday, February 19, 2009

Back to Babyland

Hello. My name is Sherry. Or, as I'll be referred to here as, Mama Sherry. I am a single mother of three amazing young adults, and I am currently employed as the "nanny" at The Tin Woodsman/Crosby Taylor Pewter Company of Eugene, Oregon. I will be 49 this year and I believe I am an average person. Others would STRONGLY disagree (this fact makes me smile really big). I decided to write this blog because I thought it would be easier than writing all those silly papers I'm supposed to write each day for every child I watch, and because I love Matt's blog, and because I like to tell stories, and because I always wanted to be a writer, and because I know that every single day that I go to work at The Tin Woodsman I will have stories to tell, and because I like to take pictures and I want everyone to look at them (so you might see a few), and because this way, I won't have to feel guilty because I didn't get copies of those pictures to all the mommies and daddies. So, here we go.

This is on my own behalf. I represent no one but myself. I don't ever mean to offend, insult, or hurt any one. Every child I watch, I love as if he or she were my own (in the animal kingdom, I am a lioness!) Every parent is a friend and my friends get me through this life. I am here to share the most amazing gift I have ever come across (other than Rosy), and that is children. For most of my years I have surrounded myself with the company of children and I have no regrets. They are some of the most amazing people I have ever had the honor of knowing. And to know that I am trusted enough to be such a major influence (and I am an influence) in so many children's' lives brings me to tears. But honestly, these kids couldn't be better off :) No, seriously, I am good at this. Both the kid thing and the picture thing. And maybe after I get back into it, the writing will catch up to the rest.

A little background...a couple years ago I ran into Deb (owner of TW) at a coffee shop and asked if she needed any help. I got hired as a production worker and after proving to all, became one of the nannies at the Tin Woodsman. I also did all the shipping.
On August 20, 2008 (my 48th birthday) I was told I couldn't work. I had to have Carpal Tunnel Release in both wrists. So for the next six months my babies were not in my care. On February 18, 2009, I went back to work. The picture at the beginning of this blog was taken the day before (Maddie...another winner! You have the gift!). If you glance at it quickly, you can clearly see what these kids bring to my life but if you really look at the picture, you can see what I bring to theirs. I do so hope my ADSD (Attention Deficit Sloth Disorder) allows me to share as many stories as I can remember. Please stay tuned.


  1. Welcome Back, Sherry!
    We missed you.
    Not sure what Opaline would think of the angle of this shot!

  2. Yay, I'm so glad you're back at Babyland! And I'm glad you have a blog ;) I think you should write all your stories down along with the ones about the kids. I am interested.

  3. I agree with Kira. Use your labels wisely, and you can sort your posts as "Babyland" and then be open to posting on other subjects as well. You are a WONDERFUL nanny, but you are also much more.

    Welcome back, and welcome to the blog world as well!
