Friday, February 20, 2009

February 20, 2009-Friday

Good afternoon all (well, the 3 of you who are following). My third day back and I'm getting things back to the way I like them.

But before I get too far into today's happenings, or all the stories I have to share, or any of the pictures, I must tell of my drive to work this morning...Some would say I tend to drive with a lead foot. I like to think I just know where I need to be and I want to get there but the reality is, my driving is affected by the music I listen to. On my way down 6th I was listening to Jason Mraz-Make It Mine (I LOVE this song right now!) singing my guts out when I saw him. And damn! He saw me. "Would you like to tell me why you're going so fast?" I looked him right in the eye and with a huge smile on my face said, "Honestly, this is my third day back at work after having been off for six months and the song I was listening to puts me in a really good mood and I'm just really happy to be going to work." He stood there looking at me, sorta trance like, and finally said "Have a nice day at work." And walked away. I thought that was pretty sweet.

Sunday morning, 8am.
Well, so soon for such big plans to slow...I got all the boys to sleep by 1pm yesterday and that means I have free time! But oh so quickly I forget how fast that free time passes. When I became a new mother a bazillion years ago, I fell in love with it. Every moment of my life had a purpose, someone needed me all the time, seven days a week, three hundred sixty-five days a year, nights, weekends, twenty-four hours a day, every, single, day. OH Shit! I had no time to myself (I didn't have a village) . This was a tough lesson. My house was spotless before kids, dinners were on the table by 5:30 and there was always time for desert! Not only did this little woman (Shelby) change my life , she changed everyone around her. Being a mother is the hardest job I've ever done (it's even harder than digging fire-line around a forest fire, at least here there is an end) but I wouldn't give up one single moment of the life I chose. I guess the direction I'm headed with this is you all must understand my thinking (I know this sound scary to those of you who know me well) I want to tell all the stories and share all the pictures with all of you but the kids will come first. And this means, when I come home from the end of my first week (3 days) back to work and I have close to 300 pictures to share (this is not a joke! first thing on my wish-list Nancy, is an external hard drive just for the photos I take!!!) and all the happenings and I sit down at my computer and try to gather and organize all this info and then fall asleep. The kids wore me out and in order for me to give them the best me, I will allow the sleep over the need to share with you all. You know it just dawned on me I started writing this morning as if it were Sunday, today is Saturday, maybe I should go back to sleep!?

Just a tease with the pictures. I'm still trying to figure this out and I don't like my layout options, too restrictive! I'll keep trying. These are my babies...Nolan & I, Nolan, Moses, Anna and last Me & Oliver. Aren't they amazing!!!


  1. They are amazing - the kids AND the pictures! Oh the babies. There is quite a herd of them now ;) That is awesome that you got out of the speeding ticket! Haha. I can totally picture you zipping along to work and singing.

    Your analogy about the fire-line is hilarious!

  2. I love this Sherry - I love reading your writing and I love your stories! What would we do without you in our lives! You're one of my greatest blessings and your still in my top 12.

    love you

  3. You're getting the hang of it...

  4. Oh, and you can turn off the thing that makes us type in words in order to comment.

  5. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I following YOU NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yippeee! I know..I took a while, but HELLO! I'm on to YOU NOW!:):)

    Thanks for being bright, brilliant, BEAUTIFUL YOU!!!

    I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
